Sunday, October 19, 2008

Coolest thing in our kitchen!

The coolest two things in our kitchen (besides Mike and me, of course!) are the automatic wine bottle opener and the wine chiller. These were Mike's Easter gift (only because I didn't want to wait until his birthday to get it for him :P. I originally wanted a 6-bottle cooler, but, seeing as how we are in an apartment, so we don't have a lot of counter space (heck! we don't even have a 2 person kitchen). I settled, for now, for a single bottle chiller. Mike tested it out on a bottle of Pinot Noir and he says it was chilled just right (since I don't really like red wines, I can't vouch for this, but I trust my hubby). The bottle opener was just a side thing as I wasn't originally planning to get it, but it was on the "you might also like..." bar on the website, and I thought it was really cool. How awesome is this - you put the opener on the top of the bottle, hold on tight and push the button. It screws into the cork and pulls it right now. This is even more awesome than the Rabbit opener (which I wasn't too terribly impressed with).

I got them from, if you are interested. If there is anyone you know that is a wine enthusiast, these make a great gift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want one of these! I'm sick of my old wine opener. This thing looks so much easier :)