Sunday, February 28, 2010

Whatever will I do with all these mashed potatoes?

Come on! I can't be the only person who has ever looked in my fridge and thought this. Really? Actually, I think this came from a combination of me looking for something to have with our eggs one morning and something I recalled hearing/seeing on Food Network. I have been making these for so long now that I don't even remember where the idea officially came from.

So what is my great idea, you ask? Potato pancakes! Who doesn't love a good potato pancake? But they are so much work for a lazy weekend morning. What, with all that potato shredding and pancake forming and frying. Just like a proper child of my generation, I love a good shortcut as much as the next girl) and this, my friends, is where the mashed potatoes from last night's dinner come in. I love this quick side dish so much, I have been known to make mashed potatoes for the sole purpose of making potato pancakes. Instant potatoes, of course. I AM a product of the 70s and 80s after all. Just like hash browns but faster :-)

This is one of the easiest and most difficult recipes all rolled into one. It's easy in the fact that you take leftover mashed potatoes, spoon them into a pan and cook them like pancakes. Seriously, it's as easy as that. A small hint: spray the side that is up with Pam spray. You will need to flatten the pancakes down a little once they start to soften and the Pam will help them to not stick to the spatula. If you want to season them up, try sprinkling a little parmesan and oregano on them. This makes them really good for a lunch or dinner side dish.

This is when it gets tricky. If you make the mashed potatoes specifically for this purpose, make them a little tighter than you might normally for eating. If you are using leftovers, keep in mind that when they get hot, they will loosen up. LEAVE THEM ALONE ONCE YOU PUT THEM ON THE PAN!!!!! Remember, I am here to make the mistakes and learn the lessons so you don't have to. I have made this mistake too. If you try too soon, you will not be able to turn them. Let the crust build up on the side that is down since this will help you turn them. You might also want to use a veeeerrrrry flexible spatula. The one I used was not very flexible and I needed to use a butter knife to help me. This is an option, of course, but since I like any excuse to buy more kitchen stuff, I think I need the new super-flexible Rachael Ray spatula. This one:
Also keep in mind that when you first take them out of the pan, the pancakes will be a little loose. Never fear. When they sit on the plate for a little but, they will tighten up and be more manageable. That being said, you might want to cook them early and let them sit for a while before serving them so that you can get them from the serving plate to the eating plate. Unless of course you like torturing your guests or laughing at them while they fight with their food. If that is your thing, feel free to try to serve the pancakes right out of the pan. It's ok, I won't judge. Promise.

And just like vodka, these potato pancakes are not just for breakfast. Yes, I am kidding, we never drink vodka before noon. But I am serious about the potato pancakes. They are a good side dish for any meal.

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